SD 2030

SD 2030

For 50 years, we have adopted, advocated, and adhered to a philosophy of responsible development globally. We are committed to operating in an environmentally, socially, and economically responsible manner across all aspects of our business.



In 2016, we introduced our SD Vision and SD 2030 Strategy, which lay out our roadmap for becoming the leading sustainable development performer by 2030. Our strategy seeks to expand our SD capability and ensure that it forms part of all of our operations and business decisions.

SD 2030 Framework

Creative transformation

SD 2030 Framework

Creative transformation is at the helm of our framework and leans on a mindset of innovation and experimentation. It’s through this mindset and our values, that we anchor five strategic pillars aimed at preparing Swire Properties to lead the global industry by 2030.


Places are central to the achievement of our SD 2030 Strategy. Through effective placemaking and long-term placekeeping, we aim to continue to transform the places in which we invest as to create value, whilst retaining their character, supporting communities and enhancing people’s lives.

The island of Brickell Key and Brickell City Centre are examples of how Swire Properties develops, on a large but human scale, investing our capital in creating impactful spaces as an advocate of urban lifestyle for residents, workers, and tourists who prefer walkability and an active lifestyle.

Focus Area of Places

  • Metromover Station

  • Brickell Roundabout

  • Trolley Stops

  • Connectivity

  • Supporting Communities & Local Revitalization


As placemakers, it’s our job to make sure Miami keeps moving forward. One of the ways we do that is by investing in more sustainable ways to move about the city, such as having a Metromover station integrated into Brickell City Centre in partnership with Go Miami Dade in 2014-1025.

Community Building

Placemaking and Placekeeping are the two philosophies that drive our community building efforts. At Swire Properties, we are not just developers of high quality buildings, we work every day to become an integral part of the communities we serve.

Therefore, all our developments, contributions, volunteering and initiatives aim at helping make Miami a city where people and nature can thrive for generations.

We remain committed to The Underline, to the support of walkability and traffic management solutions and helping improve the reach of public services and first responders.

At Swire, community building is what we do. It’s what makes us a passionate team and what evidences our unwavering commitment to the Miami of today and tomorrow.

Sustainable Development

Our vision is to be the global leader in sustainable development performance by 2030.